time to get real witcha…
time to get real with myself!
I have chubbed up again…
and I can’t stand it!
Last year, at this time…I was feelin wonderful…I had lost 41 lbs…
41 lbs!!!
Though I still needed to loose more than that....
It was still several drops in the proverbial bucket!…
I tell ya, I felt great!
What happened?
I wish I knew…
well I sorta do know…but I can’t believe that it happened!
That I let it happen!
Last year at this time I would have said
that I had my eating issues licked,
and that I would never go back…
and here I am…
not completely back to where I was…
but halfway up that doggone ladder.
Since when is it easier to go up a ladder than down?
Just a thought...
You might ask what I was doing last year that was working for me...
after all, weight has been a lifelong struggle for me...
one that I have never had control over (healthy control anyway)
until last year...
I have a little issue with salt…really it's a big issue with salt…
I swell…
I have been to many doctors over the last 30 years, and they can't find a thing wrong with me…except that...
I swell…
"Watch your salt and take this water pill"
is all I have ever heard.
Last May…it was getting warm…I pulled my summer clothes out to find...
In all seriousness...I could not face a summer like that!
Humidity makes the swelling all that much worse.
Bottom line…I was scared…really scared…
I knew I had to quit eating salt…
because of the weight...
I needed to get rid of the sugar too. I KNOW that sugar….is my crack...I'm a junkie...a sugar junkie! I'm hooked on the white stuff!
photo source
My method
Eat what is natural…another words do not eat processed foods!
It was hard….at first…but once I got the JUNK out of my system...
it got easier…
I mean it got downright easy…
a piece a cake celery!
I lost weight…pretty quickly…I felt sooo much better…
I mean my back…my knees…and not just because of the weight loss...
I am talking just a few days into it....after getting that JUNK ouf of my system…I felt more limber and pain free than I had for a long long time!
I have heard that sugar does effects the joints…
and folks...
I am here to tell ya...there is truth in that!
So what happened you might ask...
We fix a big big meal at thanksgiving…with lots of desserts!
I have a large group...some local…and some from out of town…we cook a big big meal…and then since we are together for a couple of days…we eat and eat and eat the leftovers!
All I can say is those couple of days…of cheating…did me in! All of the cravings came back…full swing…I fell off the wagon..
photo source
and I fell hard...and the wagon kept going...and I have been running behind it ever since...trying to catch up and fling myself back up there. I have gotten close a time or two...but just can't hoist myself back to a safe place on the wagon...and I stumble... again!
Now here I am one year later, up around 20 lbs…joints are hurting again…clothes fitting snug...which by the way I started a new job after the 41 lbs weight loss and needed to buy a new wardrobe…which now is tight…skin tight….and I am scared! The holidays are just around the corner...and we all know what that means!
Soooo I am through day 2 of being back on the wagon...I'm just on the edge...not very secure yet...and I am crawling to the center of that puppy...the safe place...where it's more difficult to fall off...
it just takes some time to get to that place on the wagon!
I am blogging about it…because maybe it will help!
Maybe you can help block me, should I happen toward the edge...
before I fall off again…
So here goes...my weight...
I we
I weig….
III weigh……….
Drum roll please……….
I weigh...
x x x
sorry I can’t do it…try as I might I can not plaster my weight onto the world wide web...
for the entire world to see…
or even just the 25 of you that might happen to see it….
but I am telling you
triple x is appropriate because it is a horrible, disgusting dirty number…and should not be viewed by anyone!
Anyway…just thought I needed to share this…I needed to get this out there in blog land..since this is my life
I will keep you posted on my progress…my ups and downs…and if you have any good recipes…that do not include sugar and salt
please let me know!
I have a couple of weeks until Thanksgiving
to get the JUNK out of my system…
to detox…
then maybe I will not be so willing to move closer to the edge…
maybe I will cling to my spot on the wagon...for dear life
I’ll keep you posted…
please leave comments…
share your tips, your struggles...or whatever!
Most importantly...
Pray for me!
Still Thankful!
Celebrating 31 years of marriage this month
The refreshing
feeling of spilling your guts (emotionally speaking)
That each new day is a gift from God
2nd chances
A close parking spot…when you’re late for work